Refund and Returns Policy

We attach great importance to customer satisfaction and hope to provide you with the best shopping experience. If you are not satisfied or your needs change after purchasing our products, we will try our best to meet your needs. Please read the Refund and Return Policy below in detail.

refund policy
We accept refund requests within 7 days of receiving the product. In order to receive a refund, please make sure the product is undamaged, unused and keep the original packaging and labels. We will promptly process the refund according to your refund channel.

return policy
We accept returns within 7 days of receiving the product. In order to request a return, please contact our customer service team, quoting the order number and the reason for the return. Please ensure that the product is undamaged and unused and that the original packaging and labels are retained. Return costs will be borne by you.

Conditions for Refunds and Returns

Products must be undamaged, unused, and in original packaging and labelling.
All refunds and returns must be requested within 7 days of product receipt.
Upon receipt of the return, we will inspect the condition of the product. If the product is found to have been used or damaged, it may affect your refund/return request.
Special order products, personalized products or consumable products will not be refunded or returned. If in doubt, please consult the customer service team.
Process for Refunds and Returns
Before requesting a refund or return, please contact our customer service team and provide the order number and the reason for the refund/return.
Our customer service team will process your refund/return request and provide detailed instructions on the refund/return process.
Once the product is returned, we will inspect the condition and process the refund/return request.
Please note that refund/return policies may vary by region and applicable laws. We recommend that you carefully read and understand the Refund and Return Policy before purchasing.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our refund and returns policy, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We will do our best to assist you.